Meeting Notice: the regular Board of Directors Meeting has been rescheduled for July 31, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.



Call For Nominations Extended for the Elk Creek Fire Protection District Pension Board of Trustees

The Elk Creek Fire Protection District Pension Board of Trustees will have two open seats for the Trustee positions in April. One seat is a 2 year term and the other seat is a 1 year term.

Eligible candidates include only eligible, current active Elk Creek Fire Protection District members, retired/active members, and retired/non-active members. Interested eligible candidates can self nominate by completing the form below or by mailing your name, address, telephone # and email address to Elk Creek Fire Protection District, PO Box 607, Conifer, CO 80433. All nominations must be received by end of business day on April 9th. Candidates will be announced on this page by end of business day on April 10, 2024. Should more than 2 candidates self-nominate, there will be a vote held on a date to be determined; if two or fewer candidates self-nominate, there will be no election and those who self-nominate will assume the duties of the Trustee position at the April 2024 Pension Board of Trustees meeting.

To vote, you must be an Elk Creek Fire Protection District active or retired member. Votes may be cast by mail or in person to be scheduled in April 2024 at Elk Creek Fire Station 1, 11993 Blackfoot Rd, Conifer, CO 80433.

The candidate with the most votes will be appointed to the 2 year Trustee position; the candidate with the 2nd most votes will be appointed to the 1 year position. Candidates’ terms will begin at the April 11, 2024 Pension Board of Trustees meeting.

If you have any questions, please contact Barbara Stockton at or 303-816-9385 during normal business hours.
