Unincorporated Jefferson County is under Stage 1 Fire Restrictions as of August 20, 2024.


Community Ambassadors


Elk Creek Fire and Inter-Canyon Fire started the Community Ambassador Program (CAP) in 2020. The program provides support to neighborhoods who are organizing to reduce their wildfire risk. The Ambassadors are both representatives of their neighborhoods and volunteers with the fire districts, thus serving as links between residents and fire personnel. If you have an ambassador in your area, you and your neighbors will be connected with trusted wildfire education, partners, assistance with mitigation projects and more.

How to Get Involved

Elk Creek and Inter-Canyon Fire have identified Community Ambassador Leaders in a number of neighborhoods. Review the map to find a CAP neighborhood leader in your area and contact them to find out how you can get involved. If your neighborhood does not yet have an Ambassador, and you are interested in joining the program or just want to learn more about it, contact the program coordinators at capcoordinators@gmail.com or John Mandl at jmandl@icfpd.net.

Elk Creek Community Ambassadors Booth