Fire and Police Pension Association of Colorado

For volunteers who started in 2018 or earlier and have completed 10 years of service, Elk Creek Fire provides a pension that can be received once that volunteer retires and reaches age 50 or older. The funds are administered by the Fire & Police Pension Association (FPPA). To access member benefits, please go to https://www.fppaco.org/. If you need assistance logging in, please contact our District Administrator at info@elkcreekfire.org.

"The Fire & Police Pension Association administers retirement and death & disability plans for firefighters, police officers, and other first responders throughout the state of Colorado.

FPPA also administers local defined benefit pension funds for certain police and fire departments, and for some volunteer fire defined benefit plans. In addition, police and sheriff departments who participate in Social Security have the option of affiliating for supplemental coverage through the Statewide Retirement Plan and Statewide Death & Disability Plan.

Each of the pension plans mentioned above has its assets pooled for investment purposes. All transactions that are specific to each plan (contributions, retirement benefit payments, refunds, etc.) are accounted for by plan. The old hire and volunteer plans that have chosen to affiliate with FPPA for investment and administrative purposes are still governed by their local plan document and local pension board, and each has a separate actuarial valuation done every two years. Only the Statewide Retirement Plan, the Colorado Springs New Hire Pension Plan, the Statewide Money Purchase Plan, and the Statewide Death & Disability Plan are governed by the FPPA Board of Directors."