Emergency medical services is a critical function of the Elk Creek Fire Protection District (ECFPD). ECFPD fire service personnel are the first responders to medical emergencies within the district boundaries. In 2022 58% of all calls for service were emergency medical services.

ECFPD provides emergency response with highly-trained career and volunteer members. Firefighter (FF) / EMT medical certification levels vary from EMT to Paramedic, enabling ECFPD to provide a full range of care from basic to advanced life support (ALS and BLS care). All FF/Paramedics provide medical care in accordance with the Denver Metro Protocols. A typical initial response for emergency medical calls is, at a minimum, a transport Medic unit that can provide ALS or BLS care. If needed, neighboring fire districts provide backup patient transport via established automatic and mutual aid agreements.

Our commitment is that you receive great care from our EMT's and Paramedics, however, property taxes alone do not cover the cost of the ECFPD ambulance transport service. ECFPD bills for reimbursement of ambulance service provided only if we transport you or a family member to a hospital. Our billing for ambulance patient transport charges is managed by an outside third party vendor.